Debt: The First 5,000 Years
Our 2024 read is another highly cited but intimidating David Graeber book! He argues that debt should be the central point in the study of economy and money. He also thinks about creating a humane money system.
Read along with us every Thursday in 2024.
Afterword What the book is and isn’t
Chapter 1 On the Experience of Moral Confusion
Chapter 2 The Myth of Barter
Chapter 3 Primordial Debts
Chapter 4 Cruelty and Redemption
Addendum David Graeber’s (2012) Notes on the Violence of Equivalence
Part 2 What are social currencies and operationalising the humane economy
Part 3 Lele of the Congo - The social currency of blood debts
Part 4 Tiv of Nigeria - How slavery transformed a social currency
Chapter 5 A Brief Treatise on the Moral Grounds of Economic Relations
Part 2 Exchange - Second Moral Principle (Separation in Equivalence)
Part 3 Hierarchy - Third Moral Principle (Violence, Charity, and Non-Equivalence)
Chapter 6 Games with Sex and Death
Part 2 Example - What happens during brideprice or bridewealth exchanges?
Part 4 Example - In what instance does money stand in for people?
Part 5 Example - When a system of debt becomes the means for the destruction of people
Chapter 7 Honour and Degradation
Part 1 Honour and its roots to violence - The uncomfortable relationship between honour and slavery
Part 2 Honour and the degradation of women in Early Medieval Ireland and Mesopotamia - Some possible roots in brideprice abuse and mixing social with commodity currency
Part 3 Honour and further degradation of women - The origin of patriarchy is a counter-culture backlash against temple sexual rituals in Sumeria
Part 4 Honour and the transformation of Greek heroic society - The bifurcation of Greek society between elite (gift) and ordinary folk (commodity)
Part 5 Conclusion - The Western value of freedom and property rights is a false equivalence
Chapter 8 Credit versus Bullion
Graeber proposes his monetary thesis: during peacetime, credit systems trump coinage
Chapter 9 The Axial Age
Part 1 The Mediterranean War Complex: During the time of war, coinage use expands
Part 2 The Indus Valley Civilisation: They existed for three thousand years without coin use
Addendum (Part 1): The Indian Republics: The Vedic Culture created a soldier class without money
Addendum (Part 2): The Indian Republics: The Rigveda provided the cosmic-social foundation of the soldier class
Addendum (Part 3): The Indian Republics: The political and religious experimentation between Vedic, Buddhism, Jainism
Addendum (Part 4): The (end of) Indian Republics: How the monarchy won
Part 3 The Chinese Dynasties: The ritual warfare of the Shang Dynasty - the recruitment of army conscripts by kin
Addendum (Part 1): The networked kingdom of the Zhou - the rise of ritual bureaucracy and army professionalisation
Addendum (Part 2): The Eastern Zhou - the transition period in coin use
Addendum (Part 3): The Warring States - evidence of the rise of bureaucracy and a professional army
Part 4 The Axial Age: Materialism 1 - The pursuit of profit in China
Part 5 The Axial Age: Materialism 2 - Substance - The coinage-military-slavery complex resulted in the materialist turn in Greek philosophy
Chapter 10 The Middle Ages
Part 1 The Roman Empire: The military failure of Rome
Part 2 Ashoka’s Age and Buddhist Expansion: the foundation of charity and commerce in Buddhist monasteries
Part 3 Monasteries and Temples: the First Indian Banking System
Part 4 Early Capitalism in Chinese Buddhist Monasteries: the spread of monastic capitalism to the Far East
Part 5 Financial Freedom in Medieval Islam: the merchants establish the credit system
Part 6 The Medieval Christian Church as Both Sacred and Secular: how Europe became Christian kingdoms
Part 7 The Tolerance of Usury for the Outsider in Medieval Christianity: how usury targeted Non-Christians
Part 8 The Credit/Debt Relations Among the Peasantry, Aristocrats, and the Church: Church canon law had nothing to do with things happening on the ground
Addendum (Part 1): Medieval Genoa: A case of mercantile capitalism and freedom
Addendum (Part 2): The Republic of St. Peter: how the papal states is a result of the debt relations between high-status offices
Addendum (Part 3): The Temporal and Spiritual Exchange in the Hanseatic Network: how commerce became entwined with conversion in the Baltic Region
Addendum (Part 4): Crusading and Redemption: the costly Christian debt repayment plan